Monday 8 May 2017

world best technology POULTRY PRODUCTION

world best technology POULTRY PRODUCT a0225067478c9c4f1c9f5fbe0dd708d60443f77088ff6a3852

Thursday 4 May 2017

Gun Missile Copter Container System Combat Simulation

The next era of drones will be defined by "Swarms''

The next era of drones will be defined by "Swarms''
                                   What do you picture when you think of a drone? A solitary, remote-controlled toy with propellers, or perhaps a large, unmanned military aircraft? Soon, those images could be quite different: drones are becoming smaller, cheaper to make, can zoom around on their own, and gather in groups of hundreds, even thousands, to fly like a flock of birds.
                                  They’re called swarms – get enough of them together, and they could outpace humans in many ways; they could save your life, or they could be a deadly collaborative force on the battlefield.
Why do drone swarms matter?
For starters, on the battlefield they could outperform weapons and technology that militaries have used for decades. Think about it: in a congested city, teams of tiny quadrotors could buzz around to gather intelligence. Tank battalions could be overrun by miniature attack drones diving in from all directions at once. At sea, thousands of small drones could sweep in to attack a warship; many might be shot down, but others might make it through, destroying radar and leaving the ship defenceless.
                            A drone swarm can lose dozens of members and keep going
Plus there is no leader or commander in a swarm; the swarm is a self-organising system in which all the elements are equal. Swarming allows drones to search an area efficiently, or fly together without colliding. And only one operator is needed to control the whole swarm.
Swarms are tough. One missile can bring down an aircraft, but a swarm can lose dozens of members and keep going. Air defences with a limited supply of missiles can be overwhelmed by enough opponents.
But drones will soon be swarming in many other situations too, from rock concerts to barnyards.
So I could start seeing swarms of drones in everyday life?
Indeed. In fact, you probably already have.
Earlier this year, 300 drones assembled into an American flag in Lady Gaga’s Super Bowl halftime show, illuminating the night sky. And Intel is promoting their Shooting Star swarms as an alternative to fireworks. Chinese company eHang claimed the record for the biggest swarm, in a spectacular New Year show in which 1,000 drones formed a map of China and the Chinese character for 'blessings'.
Swarms could also check pipelines, chimneys, power lines and industrial plants cheaply and easily.
Drone swarms may even have a place on the farm. They can spot plant disease and help manage water use, or spray pesticides and herbicides only in the exact spot needed, all working cooperatively to cover the area and fill in gaps.
Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos of the Centre for Distributed Robotics at the University of Minnesota is working on solar-powered drones that will ultimately work together to survey large swathes of farmland at low cost.
“Their roles may include early detection of nitrogen deficiency, plant disease, and proper management of water resources,” says Papanikolopoulos.
What else?
While drones have been used in rescue operations for years, dispatching swarms of tinier versions could save even more lives.
The University of Delft’s Micro-Air Vehicle Laboratory are developing a swarm of ‘pocket drones’, each small enough to fit in your hand. They fly indoors, in buildings too badly damaged for human rescuers to investigate, and will spread out to search for survivors in the aftermath of earthquakes and other disasters.

Researchers at Loughborough University has built a system to help with mountain search and rescue which uses a team of up to 10 small, hand-launched drones. The drones are equipped with thermal cameras to easily locate lost climbers, and by communicating with each other they ensure that the entire area is covered.
Which militaries are developing swarms – and why?
There’s more than one superpower pursuing swarm technology.
The US, for example, recently launched 103 small ‘Perdix’ drones from F/A-18 jets. These weigh a few hundred grams, and are released from dispensers normally used for flares. The 3D-printed Perdix drones are disposable, and are intended to suppress enemy air defences by acting as decoys or jammers or by locating radar so they can be destroyed.
The US Navy also aims to develop a swarm of drones that costs less than a missile. It’s developing software that allows sub-swarms to be split off for particular missions, or fresh drones to join the swarm seamlessly.
Another player is China, long the leader in small consumer drones. Chinese company DJI alone has around 70% of the global market, and now the Chinese military is seeing what they can do with this new technology. At an aerospace exhibition in December, state-owned China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (CETC) displayed a video of nearly 70 drones flying together. The drones flew in formation and collaborated in an intelligence-gathering mission. Those drones could also cooperate in a ‘saturation attack’ on an enemy missile launcher. They all dive in to attack simultaneously from different directions – far too many at once for the defenders to stop.
Perhaps the most ambitious plan is the US Marine Corps’ project for a range of drones for use on land, sea and air. These might be the first wave to hit the beach ahead of the humans, scouting, locating enemy positions, and possibly attacking them. The swarm may also provide defence against swarms of enemy drones. To explore this angle, the Corps is setting up swarm-versus-swarm wargames. (There have already been drones designed to capture other drones.)
These little drones could be spies, scouts, or intel-gatherers, too. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa), the Pentagon’s advanced science agency, envisages foot soldiers having their own swarm for reconnaissance, especially in urban areas and inside buildings.
"Two hundred and fifty small air vehicles have to occupy six city blocks,” says Stephen Crampton of Swarm Systems. The swarms could potentially “self-organise in sub-swarms to deliver useful information, such as 'tell us about threats to our position'.”
                  They all dive in to attack simultaneously from different directions – far too many at once for the defenders to stop
So, what does the future hold for swarming drones?
Swarming drone technology is still very much in their infancy. But it’s evolving fast.
In theory, swarms can defeat any existing weapon, and can deliver enough precision firepower to cause destruction on a massive scale. Their impact could rival the development of the machine-gun: anyone without their own drone swarm faces rapid defeat on the battlefield. Warfare may then become simply a matter of who has the biggest and best drone swarms.
But the battlefield is far from the only place we could see swarms. In fact, they could one day live alongside us.
In the long term, if researchers at Harvard’s Wyss Institute are right, then small swarming drones might become as much a part of our environment as insects. Their RoboBee project is developing tiny drones smaller than a paper clip and weighing a tenth of a gram. Thousands of RoboBees could be used for weather monitoring, surveillance – or even crop pollination as the number of honey bees declines.

Facebook monthly users nears two billion

Facebook  monthly users nears two billion
Facebook's profits have jumped in the first three months of the year, as the social network closes in on two billion users, according to its latest results.
The number of people using Facebook each month increased to 1.94 billion, of which nearly 1.3 billion use it daily, the company said.
The US tech giant reported profits of just over $3bn (£2.4bn) in the first quarter, a 76% rise year-on-year.
However, it warned that growth in ad revenues would slow down.
The company has also come under sustained pressure in recent weeks over its handling of hate speech, child abuse and self-harm on the social network.
On Wednesday, Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg announced it was hiring 3,000 extra people to moderate content on the site.
A quarter of the world's population now uses Facebook every month, with most of the new users coming from outside of Europe and North America.
Speaking after the results, Mr Zuckerberg said the size of its user base gave Facebook an opportunity to expand the site's role, moving into TV, health care and politics.
"With that foundation our next focus will be building community," he said. "There's a lot to do there."

Ad slowdown

The company grew its revenue from advertising, which accounts for almost all of Facebook's income, by 51% to $7.9bn in the period.
However, chief financial officer David Wehner said ad revenue growth would come down significantly over the rest of 2017.
He repeated previous warnings that Facebook was hitting a limit on the number of ads it can squeeze onto users' pages.
Martin Garner, an analyst at CCS Insight, said: "It's now clear that last year's stellar results from Facebook represented the peak of online advertising growth, as Facebook had warned."
Mr Garner said the company needed to start showing it could make more money from its other products, including Video, Instagram, Whatsapp, Messenger, and virtual reality.

Wednesday 3 May 2017



                           Today, this is the era of technology therefore it has got the attention of all sectors and countries of the world because according to the benefits of this technology, this seems to be needy for every country therefore every region of the world wants to increase their technological department because with the help of this they fight, resist or survive from their enemies of all kind.
                           So in this respect scientific innovation help people to stand to increase this miracle, as some of nations which are not well managed in technology wants help form powerful countries of this respect for best achievements for country and its citizens, so countries with highest technology never look back at their past because they wants to look forward for their progress that make their name in the world like that of Japan.
So take an eye view at the list of top 10 Countries with highest technology in the world 2016.


Russian Private Industry is so much powerful because this country is producing a very quality of weapons which is famous in all over the world, despite of this is also super power country of the world and at once time it was number one country in this respect which is possible due to its latest and better technology. So this country has great research institute which is named as Moscow State University that is also known as strong innovative institute for the country, in 19th and 20th century this country produced large number of scientist in field of IT, Communication, Nuclear industry, aerospace, space technology and many other fields which help this country in 1990’s drastic reduction but this country is still able to be in this list.


This country is well known in this technology because known as home of technologists and scientist because one of the major innovations of the world is light bulb which is invented by Canadian scientist who’s named is Henry Woodward, so after this, government of the country Canada is also mobilized to work hard in this field because working beautifully in the fields of advance health innovations, communication technology, improving space technology, IT Industry and most important in the different fields of Physics developing quantum computing, theoretical physics and working great in many other industries, optic cables are also in the innovations of this country, public works, health care, defense technology, domestic or consumer used technology developing rapidly.


Large producer of Scientific papers in the world which is none other so the United Kingdom which holds this records for several years, there is no doubt in the technology of this country because almost 40 % of the scientists of the world are from this country and it is very interesting to know that United Kingdom has high technology at the level of consumers than that of United States. So this is called as major super power country of the world, this country offers its citizens to access technology, this country has invented many things in last many years because of great number of scientists from this land therefore developing from the level of consumers to military with great success.


According to the history of this country, France has great or oldest history in fields of science and technology because with the suggestion of Jean-Baptiste Colbert, king of this country encourage as well as protect true spirit of technology research in the country in 1666, so this was the initial point of technology in this country. However in 19th and 20th century they worked really hard to be nuclear power because of their research in physics with their intelligent scientists, so France was the third country in the History of world which sent their own space satellite till 1965 which shows their dignity in all fields of technology whether it is IT, Space technology or other fields.


Still not considered as the king of technology but china has great respect all over the world in all fields of technology because known as highly profiled and advanced country of the world so country is still in progress to achieve more achievements, as it is interesting to know that this country has made great success in field of technology in the world from all country in short span of time after their independence in 1949. So it is ideal logy that China will be number one technology country of the world after 10 to 15 years because it is largest importer of technology country of the world, in all these China has best steel industry which help to make special targeted weapons.


So one of the best technology and richest country of Europe is nothing others of Germany, this country has made success after World War second because of producing great type of military tanks which are used in war therefore this country is making rapid expansion in all fields of technology. So far this country has very highly technological architecture and infrastructure schemes which are used in this country as Stadium of Berlin is one of the great examples which is considered as most epic in the history of whole world, traces of technology found in this country was in 1900 who’s results are shown to us in this era with also its great economy.


Country which has done exceptionally well in good in all fields of technology in none others of South Korea so this country is placed in this list due to its magnificent production of Air conditioners, Robots, televisions, computers, trains, planes, cars helicopters but in all these Robots are considered as most advance therefore known as country with highest technology in the world. As talk about internet in this country then speed of internet in this country is largest than that of all over the universe, another great company, Samsung which has defeated many Japanese mobile phone companies to make respectable place in market so now he is working very nicely in auto mobile by producing more advance vehicles.


Not only rich in beauty of Nature but also rich in fields of science and technology therefore country is still in the top in almost every sector whether it is health, economy, politics and also technical fields of science such as IT industry, so it I in the passion of the government to make this country largest in technology race as well speed by producing and launching higher technological projects. So that is the reason that this country has in great income per capita from many countries of the world, so this country has great part in technology sector due to well standard of education which is only possible due to magnificent management in the Finland.


Most famous country of the world because of number one powerful country therefore also admitted or considered in those countries which have great economy with large income per capita, many international popular countries are spotted here in this country which are included AMT, Dell, Intel and most important of all Google which is richest company in the world. Despite of this also in fast growing technological countries in the world, as US has finest technical intelligence system which is only possible due to its advanced equipment but as talk about the space technology then First man on the moon Neil Armstrong was also from this country USA therefore has great success in Space technology.


Country which is continuously holding first place in this list for many years is Japan due to its best modern technology which is only done due to its best modern technology and invention made by the people of country after incident of second World War in 1945 so now this country is now debated for its Dimensional Elevator. As in field of defense, Japan is first country in the Universe which has made laser guns first so considered as most modern technology and science country in the world, so Dimensional Elevator can transport a person from one place to other in just of nanoseconds which is evidence of highest rate in technology so this country has made life of person more easy to live.